Monday, December 18, 2006

my name is beck I'm a fist time blogger so bare with me til i get the hang of this but I'll do my best I'm just another girl i live in a Allen Park its a small little place outside Detroit and i know what your thinking so close to Detroit it must be so gangster but trust me it really isn't I'm not going to say its the nicest place in the world because I'm sure it isn't but its everything a small town should be and i love it so much its one of those places that comes to mind when you think home just a nice little spot that if you stay long enough you'll soon see all the familiar faces everywhere you go while still getting the occasional stranger its one of my favorite places in the world partly because of my family partly because of my friends and partly because of all the home town charm. i have two sisters one who i rarely see and one who i see too much of not that i don't love her but she is in the nicest way to put it a pain in my ass. i have dirt blond hair the dirt is added because I always seem to be dirty not because I'm some kind of scrub I'm just naturally clumsy (i either stripped into a mud puddle or some one spilt something all over me) PS. (i have all the grace of a duck) and blue eyes but half the time they look gray my mom the sweetie that she is is always telling me i look exactly like her even though i obviously don't (she's stunning) and my dad is always telling me i act just like him (he's crazy ) not that that's a terrible thing he is pretty smart (by that i mean some frickin strong opinions) he can be either the sweetest man on earth or a total grump but i love him lots. i told you just another girl
gotta go! :)

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